Rancang Bangun Host Sistem Mini SCADA Untuk Pengontrolan Beban Trafo 20 KV Pada Gardu Induk


  • Ikhwanto Ikhwanto Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Universitas Nasional
  • R.A Suwodjo Kusumoputro Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Universitas Nasional
  • Novi Azman Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Universitas Nasional




Host Mini Systems SCADA, GSM Modem, SMS Gateway


In this era of globalization, the needs of remote control systems is
increasing, where the system used is more sophisticated. Similarly, when a transformer
operator in electrical substations, which will control and monitor the load transformer 20
KV is still done by hand. This will result in less efficient and optimal performance of the
operator. We need a system that can control remotely. To overcome these problems, hence
designed "Host Mini SCADA systems for controlling the load on 20 KV transformer
substations parent. With this system an operator can perform control and monitoring of the
load transformer 20 KV, among others: Frequency, Current, Voltage, and Temperature. In
addition, this system also can detect if the transformer is faulty. Monitoring and controlling
performed remotely via SMS Gateway. This system consists of a PC (Personal Computer),
which functions as process control and remote control units. GSM Modem serves to make
the process of data transfer via SMS (Short Message Service). Software Visual Basic, a
programming language used to create a program / software on Host mini SCADA system.


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