
  • Vincentia emila Universitas Nasional
  • Rumainur Rumainur Universitas Nasional


v>Protectionhukum protection of consumers is important in the face of the development of the e-commerce electronic trading system, considering that in this trading method the parties do nothave to be physically present. This paper tries to raise the issue of consumer protection of e-commerce users in Positive Law of Indonesia and how to be responsible for "shoope" inensuring the quality of goods received by consumers, and the future of consumer protection in e-commerce transactions. Through the juridical research method of empiris, the results of thestudywere obtained that consumer protection practices have not been implemented properly becausethe regulation has not been able to accommodate consumer protection in e-commerce rigidly,.Meanwhile, in the case of consumer disputes, the parties can pursue the case through litigationand non-litigation channels, in accordance with the agreement agreed by the parties. Nonetheless,alternative online dispute resolution can be implemented in full. This study recommends that theGovernment immediately establish a Government Regulation related to trade/trade transactionsthrough electronic systems and regulate online dispute resolution.


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