Prosiding International Conference On Health Sciences en-US Prosiding International Conference On Health Sciences WHAT ARE THE FACTORS FOR ADOLESCENT GIRLS' COMPLIANCE REGARDING IRON CONSUMPTION : A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p>Adolescent girls are critical to national well-being, yet they face increased risks of iron deficiency and anemia due to physiological changes and poor dietary habits. Anemia can severely affect physical growth, cognitive function, and academic performance. In Indonesia, iron supplementation programs, such as the distribution of iron tablets, aim to combat this issue, but compliance remains low despite government efforts. This systematic review utilized the PICOS framework, focusing on adolescent girls (P), iron tablet consumption (I), comparing adherence versus non-adherence (C), and outcomes of anemia (O). The review analyzed observational studies published from 2019 to 2024, sourced from databases like PubMed and Google Scholar, to identify factors influencing adherence to iron supplementation. The review identified five relevant studies, all of high quality, that highlighted low compliance rates with iron supplementation among adolescent girls, despite various health initiatives. Factors influencing adherence included socio-cultural aspects, health literacy, and knowledge of anemia. Effective interventions, such as educational programs combined with monitoring, were found to enhance compliance. The findings reveal critical themes affecting adherence to iron supplementation among adolescent girls, including misconceptions about iron, cultural dietary influences, and the importance of education in improving health outcomes. Future health initiatives should prioritize comprehensive educational strategies to increase awareness of anemia and the necessity of iron consumption, ultimately aiming to enhance compliance and prevent anemia in this vulnerable demographic.</p> Rini Kadarwati, Triana Indrayani, Vivi Silawati, Lisa Trina Arlym Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 1 18 ANALYSIS OF PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION SCREENING FOR CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM (SHK) IN INDONESIA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p>The importance of Newborn Screening which refers to the examination of a newborn is an important component in identifying conditions that may impact the long-term health or survival of the baby. One type of newborn screening is for hypothyroidism. This is a literature review. Articles searching were conducted from several electronic databases including Science Direct, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Pub Med, Publish or Perish from 2020-2024. Researchers used the PRISMA method. Lack of regulation about screening hypothyroidism congenital. This happens throughout all countries. Since it was established in 2000, Indonesia is still only screening hypothyroidism congenital examinations with fewer satisfying results. Studies show the existence of a lack of awareness among​ mothers and provider service health about the importance of neonatal screening for hypothyroidism congenital. Required effort to increase knowledge and practice screening among​ provider service health through education and development programs access to source power. Although there is progress, still lots of areas that have not been structured by neonatal screening hypothyroidism congenital program, and the gaps in access to screening become an important issue.</p> Desy Eka Soekmasari,Rini Kundaryanti,Andi Julia Rifiana Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 9 13 ANALYSIS OF STUNTING EVENTS IN THE PUSKESMAS CIRUAS AREA : A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p>The review was conducted by systematically analyzing literature from various databases, including Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, and SpringerLink, resulting in a comprehensive overview of the existing research landscape. The initial search yielded a total of 112,396 articles, which were then filtered for duplicates and relevance to the PICO framework, leading to 1,460 remaining journals. Following further evaluation, 1,450 articles were examined in full text, ultimately identifying ten that aligned with the PICO criteria for stunting prevention. This rigorous selection process highlights the importance of maternal knowledge, nutrition, and access to health services as key determinants in preventing stunting. The findings underscore the necessity of implementing effective interventions in child nutrition, enhancing parental education, and improving healthcare systems to combat stunting.</p> Ela Marliana, Rukmaini, Andi Rifiana Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 14 22 PRE-PREGNANCY CLASS MODEL FOR HEALTHY PREGNANCY PLANNING: SISTEMATIC REVIEW <p>Healthy pregnancy planning is essential for the well-being of both mothers and infants, yet awareness remains low in many communities, particularly those with limited healthcare access. This systematic literature review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of preconception class models in improving healthy pregnancy planning and maternal health outcomes. Guided by the PICOS framework, the review included observational studies focusing on engaged couples and preconception classes. A total of 83 articles were identified, with 12 selected for in-depth analysis based on their alignment with the framework. Four key studies highlighted significant improvements in pregnancy planning and maternal health outcomes through preconception education. The findings align with contemporary health education theories, such as the Health Belief Model, which emphasizes that increased awareness and self-efficacy drive health-promoting behaviors. Social Cognitive Theory further supports the importance of social support and observational learning in behavior change, showcasing the value of culturally tailored interventions. Additionally, the Ecological Model of Health Behavior underlines the necessity of addressing multiple layers of influence, including community-level resources and norms. The evidence suggests that integrating preconception classes into public health strategies can effectively enhance maternal health and reduce pregnancy-related complications. Given the persistent challenges in maternal health in Indonesia, implementing pre-pregnancy education programs may significantly contribute to improving outcomes by fostering informed decision-making and collaborative support among families. This review emphasizes the potential of preconception classes as a vital intervention to address knowledge gaps and promote healthy pregnancy planning.</p> Eti Herawan, Rukmaini, Rosmawaty Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 23 29 MONITORING EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NUTRITIOUS ACTION ACTIVITIES ON THE INCIDENCE OF ANEMIA IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ADOLESCENT GIRLS <p>The aim of the Systematic Literature Review was to identify the evaluation and management of nutritious action activities on the incidence of anemia. Design of the study was a literature review. This review was conducted according to the Cochrane guidelines for systematic review research and complies with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. We found five articles from electronic databases such as Science Direct, SpringerLinkPubMed, ProQuest and Google scholar from 2019 to 2024. Two researchers independently conducted study sections, extracted data, and assessed the data evaluation. Five studies were included. We examined the studies that provided deep analysis and explanation of monitoring and evaluation and management of nutritious action activities. All of the studies reported that anemia can be prevented by education and monitoring consuming of Fe supplements as well as improving knowledge regarding anemia.</p> Ida Niarsih, Retno Widowati, Rini Kundaryanti, Lisa Triana Arlym Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 30 37 ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EATING PATTERNS, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS WITH OBESITY IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN NORTH JAKARTA <p>Obesity among women of reproductive age (18-49 years) has become an increasingly prevalent health issue, particularly in urban areas like North Jakarta. This study aims to analyze the relationship between eating habits, physical activity levels, and socio-economic factors with the incidence of obesity in women of reproductive age in North Jakarta. A cross-sectional design was used with a sample of 80 women randomly selected from several districts in North Jakarta. Univariate analysis results indicated that 25% of respondents were obese, 37.5% were overweight, and 31.25% had a normal weight. Bivariate analysis using the chi-square test revealed significant relationships between unhealthy eating habits (p = 0.02), insufficient physical activity (p = 0.01), and low socio-economic status (p = 0.03) with the occurrence of obesity. The findings suggest that poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, and lower socio-economic status contribute to the high prevalence of obesity among women of reproductive age in North Jakarta. Therefore, interventions focusing on behavioral change, improving access to healthy food, sports facilities, and socio-economic support are crucial to reducing the prevalence of obesity among women of reproductive age.</p> Siti Syamsiah Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 38 44 BRIDE-TO-BE’S PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND STRESS HEALTH IN THE FACE OF WEDDING PREPARATION <p>The aim of the Systematic Literature Review was to identify the physical and mental health, stress level in facing premarital. Design of the study was a literature review. This review was conducted according to the Cochrane guidelines for systematic review research and complies with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. We found six articles from electronic databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, ProQuest and Google scholar from 2010 to 2024. Two researchers independently conducted study sections, extracted data, and assessed the data evaluation. Six studies were included. We examined the studies that provided deep analysis and explanation of physical and mental health, stress level in premarital people. All of the studies reported that physical, mental health and stress level are associated with premarital status.</p> Siti Ahdah , Lisa Triana,Arlym, Retno Widowati Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 45 54 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BABY MASSAGE ON PHYSICAL, MENTAL, AND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT, AS WELL AS MOTHER-BABY INTERACTION <p>The growth and development period of a baby is a golden period as well as a critical period of a person's development, namely at the age of 0-12 months. It is called the golden period because the baby period is very short and cannot be repeated. It is called a critical period because at this time the baby is very sensitive to the environment and needs good nutritional intake and stimulation for its growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of baby massage on the growth and development of babies. This research method uses a Systematic Literature Review. Article searches using the Google Scholar, PubMed, ProQuest, GARUDA databases from 2019-2024 and the selection process using the PRISMA diagram. Inclusion criteria in the study included research articles from 2019-2024 that discussed the effectiveness of baby massage on the growth and development of babies, involving participants aged 0-12 months, and available in English or Indonesian. Exclusion criteria included articles that were not relevant to baby massage, lack of sufficient information, inappropriate language, focus on other baby massages, and irrelevant samples. The results of the study obtained five articles that showed that baby massage had a significant effect on the growth and development of babies. From the 3 articles, baby massage can improve the growth and development of babies. The frequency of baby massage is done 2 times 15 minutes every week for a period of 4 weeks. The conclusion of this study is that baby massage has an effect on improving the growth and development of babies. Baby massage can improve the growth and development of babies if done according to the frequency of baby massage is done 2 times 15 minutes every week for a period of 4 weeks. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to provide baby massage intervention with the right frequency of administration and in babies aged 0-12 months can be an effective alternative in improving the growth and development of babies</p> Siti Rohmah Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 55 62 FACTORS AFFECTING COMPLIANCE OF IRON TABLET AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN IN BEKASI REGENCY <p>Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) are major health problems in Indonesia. The cause of maternal mortality was hemorrhage, with anemia being the main risk factor. minimum consumption of 90 iron tablets during pregnancy is a common intervention, but compliance with taking iron tablets is still low. At TPMB Susi Yuniarti, Bekasi Regency, a survey showed that 42 pregnant women experienced anemia, 23 of them in the third trimester. In interview showed non-adherence was influenced by ANC visits, attitudes, side effects, and family support. Determine factors related to compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets in Bekasi Regency. The methodology used a cross sectional design. Populotion in this research is Pregnant women in third trimester. 70 pregnant women in the third trimester as a sample with Total sampling technique taking into account inclusion and exclusion criteria. Instruments in the form of questionnaires and KIA books. Bivariate analysis uses the Chi-Square test. After analysis from 70 of pregnant women in third trimester, 72.9% had appropriate ANC visits, 67.1% had positive characteristics, 60.0% experienced minimal side effects, and 70.0% received good family support. There is a significant relationship between ANC visits (p=0.000), attitude (p=0.000), side effects (p=0.026), and family support (p=0.000) with pregnant women's compliance in consuming Fe tablets, with attitude as the dominant factor (OR=51.063). There was a significant relationship between ANC visits, attitudes, side effects, and family support with pregnant women's compliance with consumption iron tablets. Health workers are expected to encourage positive attitudes among pregnant women by encouraging regular ANC, dealing with side effects, and strengthening family support to increase compliance, thereby reducing the prevalence of anemia and improving the health of mothers and babies.</p> Diah Pitaloka, Febry Mutiariami Dahlan, Yenny Aulya Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 63 70 ANALISYS OF NUTRIENT INTAKE ON CHRONIC ENERGY DEFICIENCY IN ADOLECENTS GIRLS: ASYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW (SLR) <p>Nutritional problems that commonly occur in adolescent girls are due to lack of nutritional intake which results in Chronic Energy Deficiency . One way to prevent SEZs is to eat nutritious and balanced food. Food consumption is influenced by adolescent eating behavior which is inseparable from the level of knowledge, attitudes and actions about balanced nutrition. Good knowledge of balanced nutrition will make teenagers choose foods that are in accordance with the rules of balanced nutrition. This study aims to identify and analyze nutritional intake factors in adolescents based on the latest research. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature. Article searches were conducted from a number of electronic databases including ProQuest, EBSCO, PubMed, Springer Link, Science Direct. The researcher used the PRISMA method to. Results: Fourteen studies were included in the final analysis (observational analysis design with comparative, cross-sectional, secondary analysis, statistical analysis, literature review approach). Conclusion: Factors that affect poor nutrition in SEZs include lack of parental knowledge about food ingredients that contain a lot of nutrients, food habits or taboos that still occur in rural areas, limited family income, diseases, and food consumption patterns.</p> Delly Handayani, Retno Widowati, Vivi Silawati, Lisa Triana Arlym Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 2 2 71 79