Oikonomia: Jurnal Manajemen https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia <img src="/public/site/images/sretnosari9/home_oiko_.png" alt="" /> en-US editor.oikonomiajurnal@gmail.com (Santi Retno Sari) sutikman@civitas.unas.ac.id (Sutikman) Sun, 21 Jul 2024 14:17:49 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Operational Risk Management pada PT Kimia Farma Sungwun Pharmacopia https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3844 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> Operational risk management is an important part of ensuring the sustainability of a company, especially in the pharmaceutical industry that faces various complex challenges. This study aims to identify operational risks, map risks, and design risk treatments at PT Kimia Farma Sungwun Pharmacopia (KFSP) based on the ISO 31000:2018 framework. <strong>Methodology</strong> The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a data triangulation approach through interviews and surveys using questionnaires. <strong>Findings</strong> The results showed that there were 17 operational risks identified, consisting of 3 extreme risks, 4 high risks, 6 medium risks, and 4 low risks. Risk analysis focused on the level of likelihood and impact, which were then mapped into a risk matrix to determine mitigation priorities. <strong>Suggestion </strong>The discussion showed that extreme and high category risks, such as delays in customer receivables and product quality discrepancies, require priority mitigation actions through efforts to maintain the continuity of the company's operations</em></p> Nadia Nurvita Ilahi Achyar, Hartoyo Hartoyo, Agustina Widi Palupiningrum, Sendy Watazawwadu Ilmi Copyright (c) 2024 Nadia Nurvita Ilahi Achyar, Hartoyo Hartoyo, Agustina Widi Palupiningrum, Sendy Watazawwadu Ilmi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3844 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Minat Investasi Saham Generasi Z: Financial Literacy dan risk Tolerance https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/2680 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of financial literacy and risk tolerance on generation Z's stock investment interest in the digital era<strong>. Methodology</strong> This research includes survey research. The population in this study were Mercu Buana University students who were of productive age range (17-26 years) with a sample of 46 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires. The data analysis techniques in this research are Instrument Testing, Structural Model or Hypothesis Testing (Inner Model), Measurement Evaluation (Outer Model) and Hypothesis Testing. <strong>Findings</strong> The research results show that: (1) Financial Literacy has a positive and significant effect on generation Z's investment interest in the capital market; (2) Risk Tolerance has a positive and significant effect on generation Z's investment interest in the capital market. <strong>Suggestion</strong> Advice to investors and generation Z who intend to invest, they need to pay attention to risks and understand finances.</em></p> Septiani Juniarti, Cut Edwina Safia Oebit, Tine Yuliantini Yuliantini, Putri Ayomi Copyright (c) 2024 Septiani Juniarti, Cut Edwina Safia Oebit, Tine Yuliantini Yuliantini, Putri Ayomi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/2680 Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Innovative Behavior Sebagai Mediasi Pada Pengaruh Employee Engagement Terhadap Employee Performance https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3659 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> The aim of this research is to examine the effect of employee engagement on employee performance which is mediated by innovative behavior in electronics companies in the Jababeka Industrial Area<strong>. Methodology</strong> This research uses quantitative methods and primary data was obtained through an online survey using Google Forms from employees of electronics companies in the Jababeka industrial area . The population of this study is not known with certainty. To determine the sample size, this study used a convenience sampling method. The survey consisted of 65 employees at the Jababeka electronics company. The SmartPLS version 3.0 software program was used to carry out data analysis, as well as statistical analysis techniques and descriptive analysis. <strong>Findings</strong> The research results show that employee engagement has a significant effect on employee performance, employee engagement has a significant effect on innovative behavior, and employee engagement has a significant effect on innovative behavior. Innovative behavior has also been proven to have a positive effect on the relationship between employee engagement and employee performance. <strong>Suggestion</strong> is to expand the population and samples from various electronics companies in several industrial areas in order to get more representative results.</em></p> Faraz Muhammad Magfijar, Muhamad Ekhsan Copyright (c) 2024 Faraz Muhammad Magfijar, Muhamad Ekhsan http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3659 Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Masih Perlukah Menyewa Gedung Perkantoran? Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Sewa Gedung Perkantoran dalam Menavigasi Transformasi Bisnis https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/2623 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> This research aims to investigate the factors that influence office building rental decisions at Menara Astra in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The factors studied include service quality, price, location and promotion.<strong> Methodology</strong> The research method used was a quantitative descriptive approach using a questionnaire distributed to 125 tenants of the Menara Astra building. Multiple regression analysis with the help of the IBM SPSS tool was used to analyze the collected data. <strong>Findings</strong> The results of this research show that service quality and promotion have a positive and significant influence on office building rental decisions, while price has a negative and significant influence. However, location does not have a significant influence on rental decisions. <strong>Suggestion</strong> This research provides important insights for office building owners and managers in developing effective marketing strategies in containing the Covid-19 pandemic.</em></p> Diah Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Ernawati http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/2623 Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Stres Kerja dan Burnout: Peran Mediasi Resilience pada Perawat di RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3639 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> This study aims to examine: (1) The effect of job stress on burnout, (2) The effect of job stress on resilience, (3) The effect of resilience on burnout, and (4) The effect of job stress on burnout with resilience as a mediating variable. </em><strong><em>Methodology</em></strong><em> This research is a causal study that takes a population of 90 nurses in the inpatient room of RSUD Dr. Rasidin Padang with a total sampling method. </em><strong><em>Findings</em></strong><em> of the analysis showed that: (1) Job stress has a positive and significant influence on burnout in nurses at RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang, (2) Job stress has a negative and significant influence on resilience in nurses at RSUD dr. Rasidin, (3) Resilience has a negative and significant influence on burnout in nurses at RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang, and (4) Resilience mediates the effect of job stress on burnout. </em></p> Rinda Renggani, Mega Asri Zona Copyright (c) 2024 Rinda Renggani, Mega Asri Zona http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3639 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kebijakan Dividen Pada Perusahaan LQ45 di Indonesia https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3559 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> This study aims to test and analyze the factors that influence dividend policy involving the variables of liquidity, leverage, profitability, activity ratio, and company size in companies indexed LQ45 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2021. <strong>Methodology </strong>The analytical tool we use is multiple linear regression on SPPS software to test the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. <strong>Findings</strong> The results of this study found that the activity ratio proxied by total asset turnover and company size had a positive and significant effect, while leverage with the debt to equity ratio indicator and profitability with the return on assets indicator had a negative and significant effect. Meanwhile, another finding of this study is that liquidity with the current ratio indicator also has a positive although insignificant effect on dividend policy. <strong>Suggestion</strong> To company managers to optimize operational activities and reduce debt, if the company takes the policy of dividing dividends to shareholders.</em></p> Heni Silviana, Mahirun Mahirun Copyright (c) 2024 Heni Silviana, Mahirun Mahirun http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3559 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Matters of the hearts: Unraveling the Brand Love-Purchase Intention Nexus through a Systematic Literature Review https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3746 <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> This study explores the important concept of brand love and how it influences consumer behavior, especially in the context of repurchase intention. Brand love is a strong emotional bond between consumers and brands, which can influence purchasing decisions and brand loyalty.<strong> Methodology</strong> This research uses literature study with the addition of bibliometric methods to strengthen the analysis. The articles obtained for bibliometric analysis were 62 articles and the articles that had been filtered for discussion contained 3 suitable articles. <strong>Findings</strong> By understanding the relationship between brand love and repurchase intent, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies to increase consumer engagement, drive sales, and strengthen brand loyalty. <strong>Suggestion</strong> This research provides valuable insights for marketing practitioners and entrepreneurs to utilize brand love as a tool to create deep relationships with consumers and achieve sustainable competitive advantage.</em></p> Abdul Gofur, Hanuna Shafariah Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Gofur, Hanuna Shafariah http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.unas.ac.id/oikonamia/article/view/3746 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700