Sawo Manila 2015-04-10T10:23:36+07:00 Unas Open Journal Systems Jurnal Sawo Manila Universitas Nasional<br /><p><a href="/index.php/sawomanila/issue/archive">Daftar Volume</a></p> RELIGIUSITAS DALAM NOVEL SASTRA INDONESIA: STUDI KASUS KHOTBAH DI ATAS BUKIT KARYA KUNTOWIJOYO 2015-04-10T10:21:16+07:00 Erli Yetty A research of religiosity in a literature up to now tends to develop. Whether<br />the faith in God or the life of religiosity discovered in the structure of a novel<br />Khotbah di Atas Bukit become very crucial. By using structural approach,<br />therefore, there will be such intrinsic meaning in the novel and the connection<br />between the novel and the world around will be verified. In the novel, religious<br />values are proven by sharp criticism and satire. The author also describes<br />about the unharmonious life with the norm in religion and also the demand of<br />cultured societies. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) KONTRIBUSI BAHASA SUNDA BAGI PENGEMBANGAN BAHASA INDONESIA 2015-04-10T10:21:16+07:00 Zaenal Arifin Indonesian (Bahasa) influences province languages, such as Sundanese, and<br />vise versa. This language still needs the contribution of new vocabularies<br />by various sources. For that reason, the material of Indonesian terms takes<br />three most important groups of language; Malaya, neighboring nations, and<br />foreign languages. Therefore, there are several Sundanese words not given Sd<br />label because the contribution of Sundanese in the enrichment of Indonesian<br />approximate around 300 vocabularies. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS KONTRASTIF SISTEM MORFEMIS NOMINA BAHASA JAWA-INDONESIA 2015-04-10T10:21:16+07:00 Kasno Atmo Sukarto The similarity between Javanese and Indonesian appears to both characteristics; these languages are agglutinative and there are many mono morpheme words. For that reason, we have to conduct a contrastive analysis. A contrastive analysis is really challenging and highly hesitancy. On the contrary, the most different thing in mono morpheme process is the grouping system of vocals which in Indonesian there is no such thing. Besides, there is a contrary in the process of increasing or decreasing sounds. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PENYEBAB PENGGUNAAN SINONIM 2015-04-10T10:21:16+07:00 Arie Andrasyah Isa Synonym happens both in lexeme and paraphrase. Synonym can be divided into two kinds; close and absolute synonyms. Synonym might happened because of the differences among dialect, variety of language, euphemism, jargon, situation of language, nonstandard language, also social class. Synonym is created to soften several idioms which sound rude to particular societies. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) MASALAH KEMASYARAKATAN DAN PANDANGAN CHAIRUL HARUN DALAM NOVEL WARISAN 2015-04-10T10:21:17+07:00 Djamari Djamari Novel Warisan describes about the social life in Minangkabau and presents social conflicts of its societies, especially about the family system in Minangkabau creatively presented by the author. By describing the conflicts in Minangkabau, particularly concerning about inheritance, marriage, and matrilineal system, therefore, there will be found the social life of those societies in this novel. In fact, nonfinancial inheritance is much more beneficial than the financial one. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) MELAYU DALAM SASTRA INDONESIA: STUDI SATARDJI CALZOUM BACHRI 2015-04-10T10:21:17+07:00 Abdul Rozak Zaidan The Malayan in the context of Indonesian literature is equal to Java, Sundanese, Bugis, Bali, Madura, and so on. They are parts of multicultural Indonesian. The meaning of Malayan is every single thing tightens with its language, especially the culture of Malayan. In accordance with this matter, the elements of Malayan in poems by Sutardji have such an aesthetic enchantment in poetry with some couplets, and also found in several poems O, Amuk, Kapak. Moreover, it is something that he fully realized. It is proven through the theory of Sutardji Calzoum Bachri concerning about the mysterious connection between couplets and the contents of poetry. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PERJUANGAN EMANSIPASI WANITA YANG NAIF DALAM KALAU TAK UNTUNG DAN KEHILANGAN MESTIKA 2015-04-10T10:21:17+07:00 Haniah Haniah In general, novels describe about forced marriage which suffered women also pictured in two novels, Kalau Tak Untung, and Kehilangan Mestika. In this matter, the meaning and moral messages of both novels will be analyzed through reconstruction and reflection towards the novel as an effort to appreciate it.Kalau Tak Untung which is absolute in love story, or Kehilangan Mestika which is absolute in tolerances are thesis, but both are also antithesis from the tolerances are thesis, but both are also antithesis from the previous book association, such as Siti Nurbaya dan Azab dan Sengsara. Siti Nurbaya dan Azab dan sengsara. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PRIBADI DIPATI UKUR PAHLAWAN TATAR SUNDA 2015-04-10T10:21:17+07:00 Zaenal Hakim Carita Dipati Ukur is a script concerning about a death myth of Dipati Ukur that people said his head was cut off by a king of Mataram in Java. According to this script, that man was not the real Dipati Ukur, but Raden Wangsanata who admitted as Dipati Ukur. By using reception theory, we must regard this script as a literature which must be understood as a dialogue creation, and the philosophic expertise has to be built in rereading the text continuously, while it is not only about the facts. Carita Dipati Ukur by Rohendy and Supis (1959-1960) was the answer of the unsatisfactory of Sundanese towards those temporary verses of CDU script written but in negative impression through the character of Dipati Ukur. 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) kritik sastra 2015-04-10T10:21:17+07:00 Somadi Sosrohadi Somad sosrohadi <p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p> </p><p>Penelitian ini mengkaji eksistensi perempuan Bali yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen <em>Sagra</em> karya Oka Rusmini. Kajian tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori feminisme eksistensialis dan teori budaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi perempuan Bali dipengaruhi oleh tiga sistem, yaitu sistem kekerabatan, sistem kemasyarakatan, dan sistem keagamaan.Sistem kekerabatan mempengaruhi eksistensi perempuan Bali tentang cara seorang anak perempuan memanggil ibunya; mengatur cara seorang ibu memanggil anak perempuannya; menentukan cara seorang cucu perempuan memanggil neneknya; menentukan tempat tinggal seorang perempuan Bali setelah menikah; mengatur pernikahan seorang perempuan Bali berdasarkan pada status adat, agama, dan kasta. Sistem kemasyarakatan mempengaruhi asal-usul seorang perempuan Bali; mengatur nama seseorang perempuan Bali apabila menikah dengan pria dari kasta tertentu; membagi-bagi kedekatan spiritual seorang perempuan dengan Pencipta berdasarkan kasta yang dimiliki dalam masyarakat. Sementara itu, sistem keagamaan mempengaruhi eksistensi perempuan untuk menari di upacara-upacara keagamaan tertentudan mengatur eksistensi perempuan untuk berdoa pada bulan <em>purnama </em>(bulan terang) dan <em>tilam </em>(bulan mati).</p><p> </p> 2015-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Jurnal Pujangga