ABSTRAKKetidaksempurnaan dalam proses komunikasi dapat terjadi akibat peserta tutur tidak mematuhi maksim maksim di dalam prinsip kerja sama. Pelanggaran tersebut dapat disebabkan adanya maksud dan tujuantertentu yang hendak disampaikan oleh peserta tutur melalui suatu ujaran tindak tutur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentukbentuk pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama dalam sitkom So Not Worth Itserta fungsi tindak tutur yang timbul akibat pelanggaran tersebut. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik simak catat dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian berupa tuturan dialogpada sitkom So Not Worth It dianalisis mengunakan landasan teori pragmatik mengenai teori prinsip kerja sama Grice (1975) dan teori fungsi tindak tutur Searle (1979). Penelitian terhadap tuturan dialog sitkom So NotWorth It ditemukan 4 (empat) bentuk pelanggaran terhadap maksim-maksim dalam prinsip kerja sama Grice yaitu maksim kuantitas, kualitas, relevansi, dan cara. Pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama yang ditemukan melalui penelitian didominasi oleh pelanggaran terhadap maksim kuantitas sebanyak 7 (tujuh) tuturan. Kemudian sebanyak 5 (lima) tuturan melanggar maksim kualitas, 5 (lima) tuturan melanggar maksimrelevansi, dan 4 (empat) tuturan melanggar maksim cara. Keseluruhan pelanggaran terhadap maksim dalam prinsip kerja sama Grice dalam sitkom So Not Worth It terjadi sebanyak 21 data tuturan. Selanjutnya penelitianini menemukan 4 (empat) fungsi tindak tutur yang timbul akibat pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama tersebut, yaitu fungsi tindak tutur asertif, ekspresif, direktif, dan komisif. Kata kunci: Fungsi Tindak Tutur, Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerja Sama, Pragmatik. ABSTRACTImperfections in the communication process can occur due to speech participants not complying with the maxims in the principle of cooperation. This violation can be caused by certain aims and objectives that thespeech participant wishes to convey through a speech act utterance. This research aims to describe the forms of violations of the principle of cooperation in the sitcom So Not Worth It as well as the function of speech acts that arise as a result of these violations. Research data was obtained using note-taking techniques with descriptive qualitative methods. Research data in the form of dialogue utterances in the sitcom So Not Worth Itwere analyzed using the basis of pragmatic theory regarding Grice's (1975) cooperative principle theory and Searle's (1979) speech act function theory. Research on the dialogue utterances of the sitcom So Not Worth Itfound 4 (four) forms of violations of the maxims in Grice's principles of cooperation, namely the maxims of quantity, quality, relevance and method. Violations of the principle of cooperation found through researchwere dominated by violations of the maxim of quantity in 7 (seven) utterances. Then, 5 (five) utterances violated the maxim of quality, 5 (five) utterances violated the maxim of relevance, and 4 (four) utterancesviolated the maxim of manner. Overall violations of the maxim in Grice's principle of cooperation in the sitcom So Not Worth It occurred in 21 utterances. Furthermore, this research found 4 (four) functions of speech acts that arise as a result of violations of the principle of cooperation, namely the functions of assertive, expressive, directive and commissive speech acts. Keywords: Function of Speech Acts, Violation of the Principle of Cooperation, PragmaticsReferences
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