This research aims to find out the Legal Protection for Concurrent Creditors against insolventdebtors reviewed from Law 37 of 2004. This study is the study of normative law through aLaw-Legislative approach. Legal protection of concurrent creditors has been regulated in theprovisions of the legal provisions of the bankruptcy law. If the insolvent property is insolventthen the concurrent creditor against the separatist creditor, may ask the court to postpone theexecution, so that his rights can be fulfilled. That if it is suspected that the debtor or wheretogether with the debtor also committed a fraudulent act by transferring bankruptcy assetseither before or after the bankruptcy judgment which could harm the concurrent creditors, it isnecessary for the creditor to file a pauliana action lawsuit in addition to other actions that canbe taken by the creditor to force the body against the debtor. That the filing of bankruptcy bythe debtor becomes a possible step, that the debtor is indeed no longer able to pay the debt.This insolvency institution serves as an alternative institution for the settlement of debtorobligations towards creditors more effectively, efficiently, and professionallyKeywords: Bankruptcy and PKPU, Legal Protection Concurrent Creditors.Referensi
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Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU
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