The Configuration of Surau, Pesantren and Madrasah in West Sumatra (In Historical Perspective)



  • Ahmad Fauzan Baihaqi Fauzan Universitas Diponegoro
  • Fitria Irmalasari
  • Arif Maulana
  • Bryna Rizkinta Sembiring Meilala



I begin this article with admiration for the success of Surau in Minangkabau in maintaining itself as a traditional educational institution in the era of modernisation. Surau as an educational institution in Minangkabau remains an integral part of the collective memory of the Minang people as a whole. As an old heritage, Surau initially functioned as a place for traditional ceremonies, then developed into a place of worship and gathering of young people to learn various knowledge and skills. In addition to being an educational institution, it is also a social institution. On the other hand, the existence of pesantren and madrasah in Java is also growing in Sumatra, especially West Sumatra. Judging from the history of the emergence of pesantren and madrasah in Indonesia, pesantren appeared earlier than madrasah. However, in Minang, Surau is clearly the oldest educational institution. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to reveal how the existence of Surau and Islamic boarding schools as well as Madrasah as one of the Islamic Education development institutions continues to grow in the midst of Education Modernisation.

The method in this writing uses a qualitative methodology with a historical approach method by collecting data through literature studies. In the data found the word Surau spread out in Indonesia and Malaysia, Surau is thought to have existed before Islam came to West Sumatra.

The findings of the author after Indonesia's independence, the implementation of Pesantren and Madrasah Education in West Sumatra became more widespread after the Revolutionary period continued to increase and was encouraged by the government as a Formal Education institution.

Keywords: Surau, Pesantren, Madrasah, Islamic Education


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