Pemberdayaan Pondok Pesantren Daar el Istiqomah dalam Program Ekopesantren


  • Sabrina Kusuma Palupi Universitas Nasional



In the MBKM PPI Unas Ecopesantren program, there are various ways to provide information, da'wah training, lectures on biodiversity and how to play a role in protecting nature and the environment. This eco-pesantren has ten programs, namely environment-based curriculum programs, integration of environmental fiqh lessons, improvement of human resources, pesantren land, water resources, healthy living, waste and garbage, energy, transportation, and biodiversity. The implementation of this Ecopesantren activity was at the Daar El Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School, Serang, Banten. At the Daar El Istiqomah Islamic boarding school, 4 Ecopesantren activity programs are carried out, namely environment-based curriculum programs, healthy living, pesantren land, and waste and garbage management. The mission of this project is to realize an environmentally friendly pesantren and this activity lasts for 6 months starting from March - August 2023. The existence of this Ecopesantren program helps the community to protect and conserve the surrounding environment.

Keywords: Ecopesantren, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Management



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