
  • Sufyati HS Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Nasional Jakarta




Islamic economy is an economic system that stand on the principle of justice, where shared
profits and welfare, not personal gain, are the main goal. In the Islamic economic system, the
principles are: first, getting down to the economy is to meet basic needs in order to worship
and to thank Allah SWT; second, setting the real sector in motion to get the currency in
circulation so that no one would be able to accumulate wealth as much as they wish. The
phenomenon of Islamic economic revival in the era of globalization plays a very important role
in dealing with the global economic and financial crisis. The government as a regulator has an
important to achieve the goals of Islamic economy. The goal is falah, which can be achieved
through maslahah optimization. Therefore, with mandate from Allah SWT and the community,
the government’s role in general is to bring what is good for the whole community. There is a
need to observe a number of driving factors behind the Islamic economy revival in the era of
globalization. The first driving factor is the people’s awareness. The ummah plays double roles
as object and subjec of Islamic economy development. Second, human resources, in term of
quantity and quality. Three qualifications of human resources are required to set the Islamic
economy in motion. They are kafa’ah (expertise), himmah (work ethics) and amanah
(trustworthy). Third, self-reliance of the ummah, that is, the need to change the mindset of
Muslims in regard to Islam with sharia values. Fourth, the need for an institutionand support,
complete and conducive system. Fifth, the role and government policy in the development of
Islamic economic system, the support of People’s House of Representatives [DPR] are
immensely important. The government agencies and legislative institution cooperate with
officials in working for the National Sharia Council / DSN-MUI.
Keywords: Islamic economy, globalization, syaria bank, Indonesia, policy.


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http://www.bi.go.id diakses pada 13 April 2017 http://www.republika.co.id diakses pada 18

Januari 2017




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