Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Anak di TK PKK 75 Santan Dusun Santan Kelurahan Guwosari, Kecamatan Pajangan Kabupaten Bantul


  • Prita Yunitasari Poltekes Karya Husada Yogjakarta
  • Budi Punjastuti Poltekes Karya Husada Yogjakarta
  • Siti Maryati Poltekes Karya Husada Yogjakarta


Monitoring the growth and development of children and maintaining oral hygiene are part of the behavior of a clean and healthy life. This service aims to determine the growth and development of children and carry out dental and oral hygiene checks. This first activity was held on June 3, 2022 at TK PKK 75 Santan in coconut milk hamlet, Guwosari village, Bantul district. From the results of the examination, the results obtained from 22 students, 10 children with caries, 1 child with less clean teeth, in the DDST examination, 10 children passed the examination, 1 child was delayed in language, 1 child was delayed in fine motor skills. The next activity was held on June 7 2022 at TK PKK 75 Santan. This service aims to find out the importance of dental and oral hygiene by providing education to kindergarten students to maintain dental and oral hygiene. The activity is carried out in the form of counseling with a mentoring pattern. The activity was divided into 2 sessions, 1) education on maintaining oral hygiene using songs and demonstrations, 2) demonstrating with PKK 75 Santan Kindergarten students how to brush their teeth properly and correctly. The last activity was held on June 9 2022 at TK PKK 75 Santan. Activities in the form of education on maintaining personal hygiene in the form of songs and 6 steps to wash hands.






