Analisis Kekuatan Material Komposit berdasarkan Variasi Resin dan Katalis pada Material Kapal berbahan Fiberglass

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Samaluddin Samaluddin
Azhar Aras Mubarak
Rahmawati Djunuda
Fauzan Fauzan
Riyan Abdillah Takdir


Composites consist of 2 inhomogeneous materials, namely matrix as a binder in this case resin mixed with catalyst and reinforcement as reinforcement in this case is glass fiber (fiberglass). Given the paucity of knowledge regarding the ratio of the use of catalyst and the appropriate resin is One of the issues that has to be fixed is that if the use of catalyst is too much it will provide excessive heat to the material but if given too little it can reduce the function of catalyst as reinforcement. Craftsmen in Bau bau area only based on their experience in mixing resin and catalyst in the manufacturing process. This study aims to obtain the appropriate ratio of catalyst and resin usage so as to obtain good shipbuilding results, structurally strong and economically feasible and can be applied to the community. In light of the research study's findings, it can be said that the fiberglass composite material with 1% catalyst has a tensile strength value of 3034 N with a stress of 202 N/mm2. The composite with 1.25% catalyst has the highest tensile strength of 3227 N and a stress of 215 N/mm2. The composite with 1.5% catalyst has a tensile strength of 2462 N and a stress of 164 N/mm2. The composite with 1.75% catalyst has a tensile strength of 2368 N and a stress of 157 N/mm2. The amount of catalyst in fiberglass composites rose from 1% to 1.25% and fell from 1.5% to 2% in terms of tensile strength.

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How to Cite
Samaluddin, S., Aras Mubarak, A., Djunuda, R., Fauzan, F., & Abdillah Takdir, R. (2025). Analisis Kekuatan Material Komposit berdasarkan Variasi Resin dan Katalis pada Material Kapal berbahan Fiberglass. Jurnal Ilmiah Giga, 27(2), 96–104.


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