
  • Bhakti Nur Avianto
  • Nanda Amelia


Electronic Government is an effort to conduct governance based on (using) electronics in order to improve the quality of public services effectively. The purpose of this study is to determine how the implementation of e-Government Through  SINTAG at the Secretariat General of the MPR RI. This reseacrh uses the theory of Richardus Eko Indrajit (2005) regarding the important components in the application of e-Government, namely: Telecommunication Infrastructure, The Level of Connectivity and the use of IT by the government, The Readiness of Human Resources in the government, The Availability of Funds and Budgets, Legal Instruments, Paradigm Change. The research method was carried out by qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The conclusion is that the implementation of e-Government through SINTAG at the Secretariat General of the MPR RI can assist employees, especially at the Finance Bureau in carrying out their duties and functions, but it is not yet optimal. There are several obstacles in terms of legal instruments where there is no strong legal instrument to regulate the use of the SINTAG application. Then in terms of Telecommunication Infrastructure, the level of connectivity and IT use by the Government, Readiness of Human Resources in the Government, Availability of Funds and Budget, and Paradigm Changes are good enough, but there needs to be an increase so that this application can run optimally.


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How to Cite

Avianto, B. N., & Amelia, N. (2021). PENERAPAN E-GOVERNMENT MELALUI SISTEM INFORMASI PENGENDALIAN TAGIHAN (SINTAG) DI SEKRETARIAT JENDERAL MPR RI. International Journal of Social and Public Administration, 1(1). Retrieved from

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