Collaborative Governance In Eco-Tourism Area Management In Kelating Traditional Village, Tabanan Regency


  • Ida Ayu Putu Sri Widnyani Universitas Ngurah Rai


Tourism must get special attention from the government, especially related to issues of tourism promotion and development which from year to year continue to experience an increase in both local and foreign tourists. The Kelating Traditional Village in Tabanan Regency has a variety of natural, cultural and recreational potentials that can be developed. One of the efforts that have been made is to form a BUPDA organization (Baga Utsaha Padruwen Desa Adat) to manage its potential in collaboration with the government and the private sector. This study analyzes the success of collaboration between the government, the private sector and local indigenous communities in managing the potential of ecotourism areas. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method by interviewing 7 informants including the Head of the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office, Bendesa Adat, community leaders and tourists. The results of this study
are that the government has a role through policies in the tourism sector in the form of developing infrastructure access and providing village fund allocations, the private sector has a role as an investor in providing tourist facilities and the community is involved in management through the
formation of the BUPDA organization. Suggestions in this study are Collaborative Governance which has been going well in the management of ecotourism areas in Kelating Village so that it is maintained in a sustainable manner and does not rule out the possibility to involve other elements such as elements from universities and media elements in the hope of tourist visits to Kelating Village every year increased.


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