
  • Suyanti Natalia Universitas Nasional


This research is aimed at understanding the intent behind the spoken words of the interlocutor. Basically, every utterance has different intentions and meanings depending on the context and situation. This includes exclamations or interjections; in the Japanese language, interjections are referred to as "kandoushi." Kandoushi are words that express the speaker's feelings. According to the theory of kandoushi by Masaoka and Takubo (1996: 60), there are 10 types of kandoushi divided into 2 categories: kandoushi that express emotions or "Kandou," and kandoushi that are used as greetings or "Aisatsugo." This research utilizes a Japanese television series titled "Izakaya Bottakuri" from episodes 1 to 5 (2018). The research employs a qualitative research method using the techniques of observation and note-taking to gather data. Based on the conducted research, 51 instances of kandoushi usage were found, comprising 34 kandoushi expressing emotions that convey the speaker's feelings, and 17 kandoushi expressing aisatsugo, which are greetings and expressions of gratitude.

Keywords: kandoushi, emotions, speech acts, Izakaya Bottakuri


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